PVC compounds for all Applications
Our standard compound assortment is extensive and available for a wide variety of requirements and applications. Our real strength however lies in being able to tailor make compounds to our customers’ exact requirements. Flexibility and quality is our goal. This means that most of the major users of PVC compounds in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland are our customers. Sourcing of raw materials, development of processes and products are all done with the impact on the environment foremost on our minds.

We deliver products of the highest quality
After more than 50 years in the industry we are well versed in all aspects of production and sale/aftersale of PVC compounds. This means that we understand our business and understand what is important to our customers. Because of that we do our utmost to deliver compounds of the highest quality, the right quantity and on time. We closely follow the technical development of the industry and can always offer solutions and the very best technology.